Senior Care News

Improving Heart Health with Foods that Taste Good, Too!

Senior Care in Spring Valley, TX – February is American Heart Month: Try these Heart Healthy Snack Ideas

Senior Care in Spring Valley, TXTo think that focusing on improving heart health has to be dull, boring, or even tasteless, that would be doing a disservice to the millions of people who have benefited from improved heart health through a variety of steps. For the senior care patient, age isn’t a factor when you want to improve your own heart health.

Below are a few tasty ways that just about anyone can improve the health of their heart. February is American Heart Month, so take a moment to review a few of these items and see if they fall in line with what you would consider ‘tasty.’

Dark chocolate.

Yes, you read that right. There are numerous studies that have shown dark chocolate can benefit more than just improving your taste buds. A recent study from Germany tracked a number of patients for over 10 years and found that those who ate dark chocolate on a regular basis actually had healthier hearts than those who didn’t. In fact, individuals who consumed more than 1 ounce of chocolate per day had lower blood pressure, reduced risk of heart attack, and also a reduced risk of stroke.

The reason for this is believed to be connected to the flavonoids which are nutrients found in the cocoa bean. These flavonoids support healthy blood vessels and overall heart health.

Drinking coffee.

There are many articles about senior care that relate to coffee and how it can impact sleep. Yet drinking coffee can be beneficial for a number of health reasons. Coffee has been associated with a decreased risk for diabetes and that can, in turn, reduce the risk of heart problems in the future.

Researchers believe that the nutrients found in the coffee bean help to support healthy blood sugar levels. It is also been found through numerous research studies that drinking coffee can support cardiovascular health by fending off chronic inflammation. It can also help to produce HDL, which is more commonly referred to as ‘good’ cholesterol.

Eating popcorn.

A study from the University of Scranton found that whole-grain foods such as popcorn can have as many polyphenols as some of the best fruits and vegetables you’re going to find on the market. These polyphenols are heart healthy antioxidants.

The best type of popcorn to focus on is air popped popcorn that may be sprinkled with a light coating of olive oil or tablespoon of melted light butter or flax.

If these snacks sound like ideal choices for you or an elderly loved one, give them a try. Always make sure that the elderly patient consults his or her doctor before trying something completely new.

If you have a loved one who could benefit from the help of senior care in Spring Valley, TX contact At Your Side Home Care. We help seniors and their families with many levels of home care service. Call (832) 271-1600 for more information.

Donna Wrabel, LMSW

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