Senior Care News

Four Ways to Help Your Senior Manage Stress

Elder Care in Katy TX: Your senior needs help with stress management, too.

Stress sucks the joy out of life for your senior just as it does for you. When your elderly family member is stressed, she may not have the energy or the desire to fully appreciate the aspects of her life that normally do bring her joy. Helping her to deal with her stress properly gives her a chance to turn all of that around.

Get to the Root Cause, if You Can

There’s almost always a cause for stress, even if that cause is just the situation as a whole. For your elderly family member, there may be more than one issue that’s causing her some significant stress. Work with her to figure out what might be causing her the most stress. From there you can figure out what some possible solutions could look like, depending on what’s giving her the most trouble.

Consider Adding Exercise to Her Routine

For lots of people, exercising is a great form of stress relief. It helps to burn off excess energy and gets her blood pumping. Before you do anything with changes to your senior’s activity levels, though, make sure you talk to her doctor. It’s important to do that so that you and she both understand her current limits. With increased activity levels, your senior may be able to not only lower her stress levels, but also improve those limits and her health.

Choosing Flexibility Helps

When your elderly family member is committed to experiences going a certain way, that can create stress. Life doesn’t always go according to plan, as much as we all might want it to do so. If you and your senior can embrace an environment in which flexibility is the norm, it’s a lot easier to deal with those moments that veer off of the script you’re expecting.

Help Her to Have More Fun

When life doesn’t feel fun, the stressful parts of it are that much more intense. That’s true for you, and it’s definitely true for your senior as well. Finding ways to help her to have fun is crucial. One of the ways that you might help her to have more fun is to add experiences in which she feels supported to do so. Elder care services can help with that. They can support her daily activities in ways that free up her time and energy so she can choose fun.

Managing stress is a tricky situation for both you and your senior. Take stock of the situation as well as you can and try a variety of different responses.

If you are considering elder care in Katy, TX, for an aging loved one, please call the caring staff at At Your Side Home Care. We will answer all of your senior care questions. Call today: (832) 271-1600.

Donna Wrabel, LMSW

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