Senior Care News

Four Positive Aspects of Aging

Caregivers in West Memorial TX: It’s easy to let fear overcome the senses as your parent ages. But once you’ve done what can be done—created a safe home environment and made sure their emotional, mental and physical needs were met--it’s best to turn your attention to the positive aspects of aging, for both you and your parent.

Caregivers in West Memorial TX

Caregivers in West Memorial TXIt’s easy to let fear overcome the senses as your parent ages. As a family caregiver, you’ve seen the decline in their ability to perform the daily activities of living. You’ve watched their predilection for injuries and illnesses increase with each advancing year. But once you’ve done what can be done—created a safe home environment and made sure their emotional, mental and physical needs were met–it’s best to turn your attention to the positive aspects of aging, for both you and your parent.


If you have children, be sure to include them as an integral part of your parent’s life. Involvement with grandchildren can keep your parent engaged and create a sense of unconditional love and family unity that overpowers the darkest of fears. “Perfect love sometimes does not come until the first grandchild.”—Welsh Proverb.

Dream and Do

“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.”—C.S. Lewis. Repeating that one line to your parent on an ongoing basis will remind them of the potential that lies within them. A sense of purpose is a powerful motivator. It motivates you to get out of bed with eagerness, defines your focus and develops the cup-half-full attitude. If it’s not visible, helping your parent find their hidden dream will be one of the best gifts you can offer them.

The Red Hat Society

Sue Ellen Cooper founded the Red Hat Society in 1997. Today, there are over 40,000 chapters in more than 30 countries. Their motto: “The place where there is fun after 50.” Its basis is founded on the poem by Jenny Joseph, “When I am an Old Woman I Shall Wear Purple.” The first stanza: “When I am an old woman I shall wear purple with a red hat which doesn’t go and doesn’t suit me. And I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves, and satin sandals and say we’ve no money for butter.” The defining attitude: Old age has brought the ability to not care what others think about the choices they make in life. They choose to live life guided by their own light.

Time to Volunteer

Your parent may have had an urge to volunteer for many years and just never got around to it. Life is like that, sometimes. Now is the time that they can fit it into their schedule and feel that awe-inspiring gift that comes from giving back to a community or world that has served them well for some time.

If you or an aging loved one are considering caregivers in West Memorial, TX, please call the caring staff at At Your Side Home Care. We will answer all of your senior care questions. Call today: (832) 271-1600.

Donna Wrabel, LMSW
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