Senior Care News

Family Caregiving: The Benefits of Developing the Right Support Team

Caregivers in Houston TX: Knowing that you have a dedicated team of people that is comprised of friends, family members, trusted neighbors and home care is a great benefit to developing the best possible support team.

Caregivers in Houston TX

Caregivers in Houston TXAs family caregivers, one of the hardest part ― in addition to the actual care that is given to aging parents or loved ones―is finding the right support system. Yes, your parent has a team of people who is charged with his or her care; physicians, nurses, home care, etc. However, it is just as important that you have access to a supportive team mixed with friends, family and other family caregivers who can be there when you need it.
Developing a team of supportive individuals might sound a little daunting to some, but if done correctly can be well worth it. Let’s take a look at the benefits of developing the right support team:

A Lending Hand

No one person can do it all, right? So, having a team of people, even a small team, who are committed to lend a hand where and when it is needed is a great benefit. A part of your team will likely be comprised of some individuals, likes friends and family, with no professional or personal caregiving experience. So, utilize them best by helping with smaller tasks for you, greatly lighting your load. You can ask them to run small errands or help you clean your or your parent’s home.

Helpful Tips

No one understand what is like to a family caregiver like other family caregivers. Sometimes the toll of being a family caregiver can be overwhelming and other times you may become faced with a challenge that has you stumped. Being able to receive helpful tips from people who know and understand your challenges is a great benefit to developing a great support team that includes other family caregivers. It can significantly reduce stress and help you better handle situations as they arise.

Sharing Experiences

Just knowing that you are not the only one going through what you are going through is another benefit to developing a great support team. One great stress reliever is sharing the ups and downs of your experience. Often, just talking about it can go a long way to relieving stress and avoiding family caregiver burnout.

Home Care Assistance

One great addition to your support team is outstanding home care. Home care can provide help with everyday duties like house cleaning as well as provide much-needed respite to you and your family.

Emergency Assistance

The people in your network may not be emergency medical professionals, but they can still provide a significant amount of support to you in the case that your parent experience an emergency at home. Your support team should include at least one neighbor. A trusted neighbor can check-in with your loved one as needed when you are not home, contact you if he or she witnesses something that poses a concern, as well as keep a copy of your loved one’s emergency contact number list for emergency medical personnel.

Knowing that you have a dedicated team of people that is comprised of friends, family members, trusted neighbors and home care is a great benefit to developing the best possible support team. Remember, when caring for an aging parent or loved one you can never have too much support.

If you or an aging loved one are considering help for family caregivers in Houston, TX, please call the caring staff at At Your Side Home Care. We will answer all of your senior care questions. Call today: (832) 271-1600.


Donna Wrabel, LMSW

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