Senior Care News

How to Birdwatch with Your Aging Loved One

Caregivers in Far West Houston TX: Spring is here, and all of the birds are back to singing their beautiful songs in the trees. What better time to get outside and watch them?
Caregivers in Far West Houston TX: How to Birdwatch with Your Aging Loved One
Caregivers in Far West Houston TX: How to Birdwatch with Your Aging Loved One

Spring is here, and all of the birds are back to singing their beautiful songs in the trees. What better time to get outside and watch them?

If you are a caregiver for an aging parent or loved one, you might be looking for new hobbies or new ways to entertain yourselves. Birdwatching is a perfect way to do this, because it is easy for anyone of any ability level. If the senior in your care has mobility issues or trouble walking around, that’s not a problem here – you can just sit outside and watch the birds! And if they can’t get out of bed, you can watch from a window. If they have problems with vision, that’s okay too – they can listen to the birdsongs instead. You can even make a game out of identifying which species of bird you are hearing!

If birdwatching sounds like a fun idea for you and the senior you care for, here are some tips on how to get started.

  • Find a great spot – Anywhere with trees is a good place to watch birds. Your preferred place, though, depends on you and your senior. Do they enjoy a nice walk? Then consider birdwatching at a nearby park. Do they have a bit of trouble moving around? Your backyard could be nice as well. Are they unable to get out of bed or off the couch due to medical problems? Then just open the window and watch from there! It doesn’t really matter where you watch from, as long as you do it together and have fun with it.
  • Bring your equipment (or not) – Many professional birdwatchers have binoculars and other equipment for seeing birds at a distance. If that interests you, consider buying a nice pair of binoculars so that you don’t miss out on any of the birds up in the trees. Binoculars are not a requirement, though, and you can have just as much fun watching just the birds you can see with your naked eye. You may want to bring a camera, though, so that you can take pictures of the birds you saw and look back at them together later!
  • Make a day of it – Birds are usually the loudest in the morning, when they are just waking up to start their day of singing, eating, and courting. Wake up with the sun and go out early to catch these early birds in action! You could also consider bringing a lunch to the park and having a picnic as you watch the birds. Maybe you can even tempt a few of them to come over with a bite of bread crust!
  • Find out what birds you are watching – Try doing to research on the internet or at your local library about which types of birds can be seen in your area. Then you can spend the day identifying them, and learning all about them and their habits. That way, you’ll both feel like professional birdwatchers in no time.

No matter how you decide to go about your birdwatching, the number one rule is always to have fun. Birdwatching can be a peaceful, relaxing pastime, and a great way for caregivers to bond with the seniors they love.

If you or an aging loved one are considering caregivers in Far West Houston, TX, please call the caring staff at At Your Side Home Care. We will answer all of your senior care questions. Call today: (832) 271-1600.

Donna Wrabel, LMSW

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