Senior Care News

Caregiver in River Oaks, TX: Facing Health Challenges Together

Caregiver in River Oaks, TXPeople face a variety of health issues as they age; knowing this ahead of time can help a person avoid serious illness and stay healthy as long as possible. The great Eubie Blake, who was a ragtime composer and accomplished pianist, was still giving performances at the awesome age of 93! He left us a remarkable quote that’s really worth taking time to think about. He said, “If I’d known I was going to live this long, I’d have taken better care of myself.”

For living into the elderly years, it’s best to prepare ahead as much as possible. What will your parent do when they reach a certain age? What will you do? Will you wait until they can no longer take care of themselves, or will you talk about it before the time comes? What are the options you have considered – An assisted living facility; a home care provider so they can stay in their own home?

Today in America there are about 75% of adults over the age of 60 who are considered overweight or eve obese. There are diseases related to obesity, such as type 2 diabetes; some types of cancers, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and gall bladder disease. Overweight and obesity increase the risk factors for becoming ill. It is recommended to fight overweight by healthy eating and adequate amounts of regular exercise.

Arthritis in the elderly is one of the leading causes of disability. Old injuries from youth and middle age seem to catch up at this time. The elderly feel arthritis in the knees especially. This is another area where regular exercise (without undue strain on the knees) can help in minimizing the effects of arthritis. Research studies have shown that weight loss helps reduce risks associated with developing osteoarthritis.

The elderly years are sometimes referred to as the golden years. Gold is something valuable. It is treasured and revered. Gold sparkles. We can make these golden years treasured, sparkling years for our aging parents.

How can you help your senior parents enjoy these years?

  • Encourage healthy eating habits, making sure all nutrition requirements are being met.
  • Encourage activity and exercise, which will keep their joints flexible and muscles supple. It also helps to keep overweight at bay and promotes healthy cardiovascular function.
  • Make sure they are enjoying a healthy social life, keeping up their relationships and
  • doing things with their friends.
  • When they reach the point where they need a little help with daily activities, help them to arrange an in home care provider. They can enjoy aging at home and in their familiar neighborhood. This is a great boost to their feeling of self-worth and happiness.
  • Seniors don’t feel the loss of independence as much when they can remain at home with the help of in home care providers.
  • Assure your parent you are there for them and are still available to spend quality time together.

If you have a loved one who could benefit from the help of a caregiver in River Oaks, TX contact the caregivers at At Your Side Home Care. We help seniors and their families with many levels of home care service. Call (832) 271-1600 for more information.

Donna Wrabel, LMSW

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