Senior Care News

Best Lifestyle Changes to Implement to Improve Brain Health

If your elderly loved one is worried about their brain health, there are some lifestyle changes they can make to improve their it.
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Everyone has different ways of living their life. Different things that people do affect their brain health. If your elderly loved one is worried about their brain health, there are some lifestyle changes they can make to improve their it. You and caregivers can help your elderly loved one to make these changes.

Getting Great Sleep More Often

Is your elderly loved one waking up often throughout the night, having a tough time falling asleep, or not sleeping enough at all? If so, then it is important to know that this isn’t good for their brain health. People need to consistently get good sleep for better brain health. If your elderly loved one is having trouble sleeping, be sure you and their caregivers help them to get better sleep more often. They should aim for 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night. They can do this by sleeping in a room with blackout curtains, turning off electronics, and using a white-noise machine.

Walking Every Day

Another lifestyle change that your elderly loved one can make to improve their brain health is walking every day. Many people think that walking is only good for one’s physical health. However, it helps with many other aspects of health, as well. Walking can boost your elderly loved one’s cognitive functions. It can also slow down cognitive declines, too.

Eating More Monounsaturated Fatty Acids

Your elderly loved one can improve their brain health by eating more monounsaturated fatty acids. Some of the ways your elderly loved one can get these in their diet more is by having avocados, olive oil, and almonds. If needed, you or your elderly loved one’s caregivers can prepare meals for them with these foods in them.


Yoga is another way for your elderly loved one to improve their brain health. Yoga is great for stress and anxiety reduction. Research shows that people who have lower stress and anxiety levels have a lower risk of experiencing cognitive declines. There are numerous yoga techniques that your elderly loved one can do every day. If needed, you or caregivers can help your elderly loved one to learn these yoga techniques.


These are just some of the many different ways that your elderly loved one can improve their brain health. Be sure you share these tips with your elderly loved one so they can start boosting their brain health today.


If you are considering caregivers in Houston, TX, for an aging loved one, please call the caring staff at At Your Side Home Care. We will answer all of your senior care questions. Call today: (832) 271-1600.

Donna Wrabel, LMSW
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