How to Help Seniors with Severe Dizziness
Home Care in Houston TX: Several different health issues can cause dizziness in elderly adults, but one thing is certain—it’s very difficult to live independently when it feels like the room is spinning and you can’t stay on your feet.
Family Caregivers are in Danger of Being Overstressed
Caregivers in The Heights TX: Whether it’s worrying about their aging relative’s physical health or stressing about preparing healthy meals, family caregivers have a lot on their mind.
Coping with Dry Eye
Senior Care in Far West Houston TX: Dry eye is a condition that occurs when a person’s eyes don’t produce enough tears or the tears they do produce aren’t of a good quality.
Five Ways to Encourage Your Senior to Interact with Others
Elderly Care in Memorial TX: Isolation is awful for your senior, but she might not know how to get out there again. These ideas can help.
What You Need to Know About Glaucoma
Home Health Care in River Oaks TX: Glaucoma isn’t really a single condition. It is a group of conditions, all of which harm the optic nerve. The damage to the nerve happens because the pressure inside the eye is too high.
Is a Pet the Best Way to Make Sure Your Mom Has a Companion?
Elderly Care in Katy TX: Pet ownership is a big responsibility, and some overlook that. If anything happens to your mom, what happens with her pets?
Could Lights Be Causing Your Older Relative’s Insomnia?
Senior Care in Memorial TX: If you’re a family caregiver who spends the overnight hours with an older adult, you may be aware that older adults often have trouble sleeping.
Are You Burning Out Providing Elder Care to Your Dad?
Elder Care in Katy TX: Caregiver burnout occurs when a family caregiver devotes too much time and energy to elder care. You may think you can handle it all, but you do need breaks.
Could Your Attitude Impact Your Parent’s Ability to Adapt to a New Caregiver?
Senior Care in The Energy Corridor TX: Adapting to a new caregiver is hard for everyone. Is your attitude impacting your parent’s response to that caregiver?
Depression and Caregiver Stress: How to Minimize the Impact When an Aging Senior Is Also Depressed
Caregivers in Spring Branch TX: As a family caregiver, perhaps you have been overwhelmed with stress and anxiety. This can happen. In fact, it happens far more frequently than most people will readily admit.