5 Things That Indicate Your Parent May Have RA
Elderly Care in Memorial TX: Rheumatoid arthritis, commonly referred to as RA, is an inflammatory condition caused by an autoimmune disorder.
What Are the 4M’s of Care According to the John A. Hartford Foundation?
Home Care Services in West Houston TX: The John A. Hartford Foundation fights for age-friendly healthcare. Too many times, senior citizens and their family members aren’t sure where to demand change or where to focus attention. Here are the 4M’s.
Lowering Your Loved One’s Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease
Home Health Care in Houston TX: If you are worried that your loved one might develop Alzheimer’s disease, you should be aware of some of the factors that your senior has control over.
Tips for Dealing with Bunions
Elderly Care in The Heights TX: Bunions, that bony bump at the base of the big toe. It’s not only unsightly, it can also be painful. Older women might be especially bothered by bunions since they can make them self-conscious when they wear sandals.
What is Legionnaires’ Disease?
Senior Care in West Memorial TX: Officials have reported an outbreak of Legionnaires’ disease in North Carolina. The 79 cases of the disease that have been reported have been linked to the North Carolina state fair.
Bedsores in the Elderly
Caregivers in Galleria TX: Bedsores are injuries to the skin and the tissue beneath which is caused by prolonged pressure on the skin, usually most commonly developing on bony areas of the body such as a person’s hips, tailbone, heels, and ankles.
Who to Go to For Help When Caring for an Elderly Loved One
Elder Care in Spring Branch TX: When you are taking care of an elderly loved one, it is important to do all you can for them. However, there is going to come a time when you need help.
5 Ways to Use Nonverbal Communication in Dementia Care
Home Care Services in Katy TX: As dementia worsens, communication becomes more difficult. It causes seniors to have difficulty expressing their needs and wants.
Is Your Senior’s Kitchen Sending You a Message?
Elderly Care in River Oaks TX: Your senior’s kitchen can clue you in to a variety of potential problems if you listen.
4 Things That Can Cause Caregiver Stress
Caregivers in Memorial TX: Caregiver stress is a common problem for people who provide care to older adults with chronic conditions. Being a caregiver puts a lot of pressure on a person.